[Brisbane] Qualified physiotherapy clinic looking for qualified remedial masseuse
2020.06.15 15:40
- 첨부파일 : Room.jpg (343.5K) - 다운로드
- 첨부파일 : Storage Room.jpg (378.8K) - 다운로드
- - 짧은주소 : http://sunqld.com/brsb/bbs/?t=2yhb
Great opportunity for part time remedial masseuse position
Clinic is based in Brisbane southside near Eight Mile Plains
Great clientile, clean environment and excellent pay
Looking for a qualified remedial masseuse, priority will be given to female applicants with experience
However will also consider other appliants who have experienced in physical therapy but may not be qualifed yet, but are willing to learn and grow together as part of a friendly team
Send your CV to oweniverson_3@hotmail.com or contact 07 3219 8293 for more information
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