
[Brisbane] Various Internship Opportunity! (Remote Working)

2020.05.07 11:49 3,370 0



GAO Tec Inc. is a multinational company which has spread its influence in over 50 countries all over the world. For over 20 years we have been bringing quality and innovation in the field of technology. We have quickly adapted to the modern fast paced-world, thus we offer virtual internships which allow work from any location and put our employees in control of their own time-schedule.

We are hiring

HR interns

Writing/Journalism interns

Tech/Engineering Sales

Chinese Speaking interns


•    You are studying for or have a university degree 

•    You are willing to learn, to work hard, and be committed to the job

•    Minimum 20-25 hours work per week/ flexible schedule

•    Fluency in the English language

Benefits of this internship include:

•    You gain real world work experiences at an internationally reputable high-tech company

•    Learn real world knowledge, work ethics, team spirits

•    Receive 3 certificates, confirming your work experience and skills gained

•    It is short & convenient: you can work from anywhere, makes you much more employable and competitive in the job market

If you are interested in the positions please email to jungminl@gaoteams.com and will get more details about each position.

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