
[구인] 치킨 농장에서 일주일 단기 구인모집 합니다.

2024.01.04 08:55 1,495 0



FIP Group에서  Victoria Point  위치한 치킨 농장에서 단기 구인모집합니다.


[채용정보 1.] 

Address: Victoria Point 

* Hours: 6am to 1.30pm/2pm 

* Pay Rate: $28.26 per hour 

* Quantity Required: 3

Work with the team to get the partitioning set up in the shed – bring  the Chicken in from the other side of the partition to be vaccinated, holding onto them until they are vaccinated and then put them on the floor continue until the required number for the day has been vaccinated


*e-mail : lpark@fipgroup.com.au

*온라인 지원 : https://forms.gle/v7Vz8XYZ1T1DkLb1A

*연락처 : 0497 261 361

*카카오톡 ID  Line ID : LilyPark

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