West Village精品公寓West End VIP 预售
2021.06.08 16:00
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West Village日式精品公寓
最新一期ALTURA- 內部預購 即將開跑
下訂好戶型 歡迎找我聊聊
由於近幾年全世界遭受疫情影響,居住環境不再只是吃和睡的地方,更會是home office / Work From Home一個場所,Sekisui積水公司也從人文角度出發,將家和home office空間融入,無論你是1房或5房,都會有個舒適空間讓你辦公。
全Brisbane最美的社區花園 - 商場已經開幕!
下樓就有Mega Woolworth (全線商場 光起司就上百種讓你吃不膩)餐廳 /花店/藥局/精品店/
目前開放優先選擇是1-3房 /3-10樓
距離布里斯本CBD僅 800m 直線距離
國際知名最大日本開發商 – 積水公司Sekisui House
佔地 26000m
Dior 日籍設計師五十川明參與全面設計
Brisbane State High 第一名學區保證 + West End小學 (目前都在擴建中)
佔地 26000m, 高達 45%綠化
預計 2022年11月交房
公民首次置業並可申請 $15000補助
请联系SUNNY & RYAN“Altura” Residences. It is one of a few residential buildings in a $1.1 Billion dollar master plan of West Village in West End 4101.
Altura is designed by a Neuro architecture principles to enhance happiness...with a brilliant design of 64 floor plans and 5 selections of wall colours & curtains (combination of 25 different features of interior colours).
Altura was designed with a post Covid living concept of working from home:
West Village Retail shops include : (Phrase 1 has already opened) :
Brisbane State High / West End State School Catchment.
First Home Government Grant-$15,000
The construction has already started, Altura residences will be ready to move in the next 12 months only (estimated Oct 2022).
1 Bed +1MPR Starts From $465,000/ 2Beds $673,000/ 3 Beds $999,000
Contact Sunny or Ryan for more information +Inspections

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