
[Brisbane] Meatbank butchery staff wanted

2021.02.13 13:02 1,896 0


Hello, this is Meatbank butcher.


We are looking for a healthy applicant with great work ethics and basic level English conversation skills.

Applicants with no previous experience are encouraged to apply .

The work consists of simple cutting and packaging of the products.

The working hours are between 30 and 36 hours.

Dates, times and the pay are negotiable.

Casual weekday rate: $26.00 + Superannuation

Casual Sunday rate: $32.00 +  Superannuation

After working for a period of time, you can convert to a permanent role and learn butchery skills.

We merit the ones who can work for an extended period of time.

We merit the ones who can drive a manual vehicle.

Time negotiation is available for student visa holders.


Please email your CV to meatbank2011@gmail.com and we will contact you via mail or text.

You can also bring a CV to the shop yourself. The address is Shop64 Sunnybank Plaza Sunnybank QLD 4109.

We politely decline phone enquiry.


Thank you very much.


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