[Brisbane] Courier drivers needed - Aust Post Star Track
- - 짧은주소 : http://sunqld.com/brsb/bbs/?t=37gX
Star Track is looking for part time and full time parcel delivery drivers:
Location: Brisbane metro area
Working hours: Monday - Friday; early morning
Average Pay: $1000 - $1200 + per week (ABN)
Company will supply the delivery vehicle and fuel reimbursement
If you are looking for a stable and secure job, please contact 0406062946 Jenny:
please message your age, nationality, visa, contact details your availability.
You need to have a valid driver license (international is ok)
You need to be able to read the paper map not GPS
You need to be able to work under hot and wet weather
we will pay you even you are on training.
Australia Star Track 招聘快递 -包裹投递员
诚邀志同道合的朋友加入我们,运送地区主要是布里斯班city 或北区。
我们提供稳定的工作时间,一周五天,周六日休息, 只有12月旺季周六需要加班。
平均周薪至少1000, 多做多赚 (薪水为计件方式结算)正常薪资基本都会1200刀往上。另外我们会有油费补足。
- 在澳洲开过车, 手动自动都可以
电话: 0406062946 Jenny 请编辑以下内容短信至此号码,稍后会回复
1 - 姓名, 年龄, 家住什么区域
2 - 签证情况
3 - 可否驾驶手排车,有无驾驶过面包车的经验
4 - 有无类似的工作经验, 需要多久的notice可以开始training
这次需要若干个人,如有兴趣请联络, 马上可以开工。希望你态度认真,能吃苦,长期稳定,祝我们合作愉快。
댓글목록 2
startrack님의 댓글
up up
looking for 6 more drivers to deliver Brisbane Metro area and north of Brisbane.
startrack님의 댓글
still looking for 4 drivers around Chermerside areas, the company will provide a van to you;
you get paid for training. please call 0406062946 jenny