
[Brisbane] We are looking for a senior stylist to join our fun growing as hair te…

2021.01.15 10:22 2,321 0


We are looking for a senior stylist to join our fun growing as hair team! 

We are located in Brisbane city (Ido hair Brisbane). The applicant must have a least 7 years post trade experience and be a strong haircut and electrical perm (Digital perm/setting perm/Rod wave perm/rebonding straightening) work who is confident with Asian hair and enjoys working with a smaller team. The position is for a casual or full time hairdresser We welcome hairdressers all nationalities hairdressers. chinese or other national language speakers may have more benefits. 
Commission based ABN freelancers 55% profit 

Applicant must be an Australian legal working visa holder
Tel 0411577038 / E mail:ukhair@naver.com

 / wechat ID: idohairsalon/ Line ID: idohairsalon/ kakaotalk ID: designdoo https://www.facebook.com/idohairbrisbane/

#hairdresserswanted #brisbanehairsalon #brisbanehairdresserwanted

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