
[Brisbane] $$$700 ~ $1000 /day massage work! Join us if you are pretty and hard …

2021.01.19 14:34 2,126 0


Rich customers who tips a lot of money!!!!  $$$$$. Sometimes up to $700 ~ $1000 a day!!!  Its true!!!  No jokes!!!

Professional and Clean environment, free wifi with comfortable staff room.

Part-time, full-time welcome.

Friendly co-workers and super-nice team, looking for a nice girl to join us.

Two very busy locations Brisbane CBD and Highgate Hill.  Near bus stop.

If no experience, we will offer free training to help you to make lots of $$$$

Please text to mobile: 0422 677 995 


欢迎咨询 :0422677995 ;wechat : w367457 


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