[Brisbane] Cafe. We are looking for staffs for kitchen.
2021.01.13 10:25
- - 짧은주소 : http://sunqld.com/brsb/bbs/?t=35vL
Cafe63 Brisbane Markets.
Hi, we are looking for kitchen staffs.
Par time or Full Time
: Experience not essential but willing to learn and fast learner. There would be under pressure.
So please take your responsibility.
- Always be on time.
- Good customer service
- Responsible and honest
- Able to work as a team
_ Able to work on weekends / public holiday / Flexible
- Good communication with customers.
Please send CV Via- Email : holynjung87@hotmail.com
Check the location and fill out visa type you have.
Please note us you wish to work full time or part time as well.
Thank you :-)
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