[Brisbane] Commercial cleaners required / New Farm and Bowen hills.
2020.12.27 21:00
- - 짧은주소 : http://sunqld.com/brsb/bbs/?t=347S
Hello, we are looking for a good commercial building cleaner.
New Farm site.
Mon 6.5
Tue 2
Wed 6.5
Thus 2
Fri 6.5
Sat 2
Sun 2
You can choose to work only weekdays. And must drive your own car or cycle for moving sites. (1min to 3mins for moving)
Can start at 8.00 am or adjust your starting time as you want but must be finished by 4 pm.
will be raised up your pay every 3 months.
Bowen hills
Mon - Fri 2hrs in a day.
Sa - Sun 1hr in a day.
You can choose to work only weekdays.
Can start at 8.00 am or adjust your starting time as you want but must be finished by 4 pm.
will be raised up your pay every 3 months.
Also, you can choose both of the jobs above.
Please apply through the email of the beingonthetable@gmail.com
Thank you :)
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