
[Others] [Hillston, NSW] Let's working together!!

2020.11.01 17:55 3,178 0


We are looking for farm workers in Hillston where is nearby Griffith. 

We need worker in Citrus farm.


-Irrigation job $24.36 per hour (hourly paid)
-Tax 15% Super 9.5%

- Payment period 
Friday to Thursday (5-6days)
*Pay day : Next Friday (payslip too)

-You will receive your payslips by email. 
-Work 5-7 days. 
-Picking bag and gloves will be provided. 
-Previous experience will be preferable but not compulsory. 
-Time worked will count towards 2nd & 3rd year visa. (Post code 2675). 
-A valid Australian work visa is essential. 
-You must prepare Hi-vis clothes and work boots. 
-It is essential to board the bus we provide. 

☆☆ The Farm Management will not allow private cars onto the Farm

There is a fee for travelling on the bus.

It's scheduled to start in two or three weeks It can start faster or change depending on the farm situation.
We assign people in order of arrival here.

We have accommodation for our workers. Please contact us at the number below.

 Sunny (General Manager) 0435 941 247 
 available hours : 8am - 5pm 
 Summer (Staff) 0476 579 171 
 available hours : 8am - 3pm 
 Owen (Supervisor) 0431 303 602
 available hours : 7am - 10pm

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