[Brisbane] Looking for hall staffs at Shabuhouse located at Brisbane CBD
2020.09.25 13:25
- - 짧은주소 : http://sunqld.com/brsb/bbs/?t=2RXm
Good afternoon,
Shabuhouse is looking for a diligent, good english speaking with hospitality experienced hall staff.
Shabuhouse is open 7 days a week, 5pm - 10pm and on Saturdays are 12pm - 3pm and 5pm to 10pm.
It is a great place for a second job and flexible hours can be given.
English skills must be upper-intermediate to advanced, have worked in the hospitality industry and with good attitude, willing to work as a team.
All details (pay and shifts) will be given during the interview.
Looking forward to hearing from you :)
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