[Ipswich] Susi Hub Orion Springfield shopping centre are hiring:
2023.06.13 09:18
- - 짧은주소 : http://sunqld.com/brsb/bbs/?t=52t5
Sushi Hub Orion Springfield shopping centre are hiring:
Work Location: Orion Springfield shopping centre
Working environment: safe and hygienic, friendly colleagues, strong career development potential, 145 branches in Australia continue to expand
Job requirements: quick hands , cooperate with team work
Visa requirements: Citizen/PR/TR/Student/or other valid work visa
Experience required: No
Salary: Legal pay, weekend rate, Public holiday rate, Super , Annual Leave, Sick leave ,
contact details
Email : sushihubqldhr@gmail.com
Contact information
- Orion springfield shopping centre Claudia 0490097450
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