[선샤인] It's the Sunshine Coast ASHBERN FARM.[limited 15 worker hiring]
2020.08.12 14:07
- 첨부파일 : logo3-ret.png (63.0K) - 다운로드
- - 짧은주소 : http://sunqld.com/brsb/bbs/?t=2Ksm
It's the Sunshine Coast ASHBERN FARM.[limited 15 worker hiring]
Region: Sunshine Coast (GLASSHOUSE MOUUNTAINS)
Task: Strawberry Picking
Unit price: Piece rate($0.6 - $3 /KG)
Working conditions: Average of 6-7 days a week AND 7-8h/day
-Paylip and payment method: Pay-slip and Payment once a week
- Pension O (Sunsuper Company)
- Pick-up is possible.(Airport or Train Stantion)
-Seconds & Thirds VISA are available.
# People who have those talent #
1. person who has driver licence (If you don't have a car, we will support the first come)
2. Bright and active people
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