
[골코] 골드코스트(쿠메라) 기공소에서 치과기공사 구인합니다.

2024.10.02 21:41 1,041 0


쿠메라지역 Crown&Bridge 치과 기공소에서 치과 기공사(Dental Technician) 모집합니다.


Modeling work, CAD/CAM and scanning, Crown work(Full zirconia)

시간 : 주 5일, 오전 9시~ 6시.
급여 : 추후협의

- CAD/CAM Design
- Full zirconia 원스탭으로 가능 하신분.

- Full-time working 비자 소지자.

채용되면 글 내릴께요, 글 지워 지기전까지 연락부탁드립니다.
E-Mail : bbong07773@gmail.com

We are looking for an experienced Dental Technician to work with us on a full time basis in our busy dental laboratory. We hope to find the right person who is determined, hard working and friendly.

Applicant to have the following attributes:
-A diploma of Dental Technology or equivalent.
-A superior level of hand and eye coordination.
-3 yrs minimum experience.
-Experience with Implant crowns.
-Computer literacy/CAD software experience highly valued.
-Available for full-time work.

Please send a cover letter along with a copy of your resume to


댓글목록 0

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