
[구인] Standing job and ground looking for workers at strawberry farm in Elim…

2025.03.14 17:51 403 0


standing job and ground,
looking for workers at strawberry farm in Elimbah QLD (easy n simple job, can earn more than $50 per hour if you work fast, we need to help other team on ground paddock when farm owner want it.)

Farm name : Donnybrook Berry
planting : $60~$70 per 1000 plants (good people earn money more than $50 per hour)
Place : Elimbah ( 10-15mins from Caboolture station )
Work time : 6:00-14:00 ( 6-8hours per day )
Work days : around 5~7 days a week (last year we were very busy on planting time)
Job : stand planting, planting, cutting, leafing
Second,Third visa can get it

we need to help other team on ground paddock when farm owner want it.

already started planting , will start cutting, leafing in April and then start picking in May

please send me message with below details

send me these below details.
how many people :
Passport Name :
Nick Name :
Country/VIsa :
Gender :
Willing start date :
Accommodation Needed :
Vehicle possession:
LINE id:

i can not answer the phone call text me by english please

line id: jfs8888
0422309576 jun

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